Project Description
From multi-lot developments to the back yard, JSL will ensure the same care and attention is taken to make the process as easy and stress free as possible.
Allen has been involved with subdivisons for 15 years, in the majority of Distrct Councils throughout the North Island. That experience has enabled JSL to streamline the process and ensure conditions of consent are acceptable and are dealt with as easily for the client as possible.
The team at JSL keep itself involved in the District Plan changes in Taranaki, submitting to nearly every plan change put out for consultation. That keeps the team familiar with the rules, and ensures that our clients’ interests in their land are always considered.
The Subdivision process
The subdivision process can be a lengthy and often complicated process. Because every subdivision needs to be approved by Council there may be various Council staff that need to be consulted and other technical parties that may need to be involved to ensure all the aspects of the development are covered.